Member-only story
“With hungry hearts through the heat and cold
We never much thought we could get very old
We thought we could sit forever in fun
And our chances really was a million to one“As easy it was to tell black from white
It was all that easy to tell wrong from right
And our choices, they were few so the thought never hit
That the one road we traveled would ever shatter or split”*
I was saddened by a headline and article in The Washington Post by Paul A. Djupe, associate professor of political science at Denison University in Granville, Ohio, citing a poll that suggested Democrats and atheists frighten white evangelicals and fuel evangelicals’ fears that civil war is likely to break out as a result of Democrats’ and atheists’ possible success in the upcoming election.
With his colleague, political scientist Ryan Burge, Djupe “…ran a non-probability sample survey from May 17–18 of 1,010 U.S. Protestants, conducted online through Qualtrics Panels and weighted to resemble the diversity of Protestants in the country. White evangelical Protestants made up 60 percent of our sample.”
The Post’s headline and subhead read:
“White evangelicals fear atheists and Democrats would strip away their rights. Why?”
“Right-wing media is warning of a civil war — and urging evangelicals…