Member-only story
Now is a Good Time for Rage
White Americans Must Stand With Black Americans to Counter Administration-Supported Racism
I can speak only for myself as a White member of the Boomer generation. And I say this: What is happening in America today--the public images of murders of African Americans and the overt racism that continues to infect every corner of our country--and the total lack of federal leadership, moral and otherwise, is sadly confounding, deeply troubling, and morally intolerable.
Many generations are guilty of lack of accountability
Yes, my generation has much to account for, just as my parents' generations and the ones before them had much to account for inasmuch as we were unable or unwilling to meet racism head on and end it where we saw it.
As a military dependent in the 50s and 60s, I went to schools in the South where I saw and heard the vile, the profane, the hated words and deeds of racism. I lived not far from several lynchings, and knew full well, even at 14, what was going on a few hundred miles away from my home in Louisiana. "Colored Only" signs were commonplace.
White privilege was a sick and wicked tool used by the parents of the kids I went to school with, and used by the kids themselves. It never…